Thursday, November 17, 2011

Turkey Trot

Today was the Turkey trot at Hollis' school. This is where each class runs around a track and they get a stick for each lap they complete. At the end of 30mins the class with the most sticks wins. This years Hollis' 1st grade class won First Place. They earned 481 sticks. Hollis ran a total of 13 laps and I walked a total of 10 laps while pushing Winter in her stroller. It was a lot of fun and all the kids had a great time!! Way to go Mrs. Adrian's 1st grade Class!! Enjoy the pictures...
Hollis' class with the trophy

Hollis holding the trophy after the race...

Hollis, Winter and me after the race.... Winter had a blast she would dance in her stroller as we walked around the track.

This was Hollis' class running back to us after they received their trophy. They still had a lot of energy...

This was when the race started and Hollis took off...

Next Hollis had to bring a turkey made of vegeatables. So Hollis and Phillip went to the store and picked out the veggies they wanted to use and they came home and got to work on their project. Below are pictures of their Masterpiece. Hollis was very excited to bring his Turkey to school this morning.

Hollis and Mr. Turkey...

Gobble! Gobble!!

Mr. Turkey!!!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

What a cute little turkey!