Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Winter

It's hard to believe that another year has gone by and my sweet Winter is now two (June 16th 2011). For her birthday we took her to Build a Bear and she made a monkey, (AMY). It was so cute to watch her as she would carry the monkey around all day. We then went to Texas Roadhouse to enjoy a birthday dinner with her. Over all Winter had a wonderful birthday. Enjoy the pictures below.
Winter with her monkey Amy....

Winter showing me her monkey she built at Build a Bear with love....

Winter sitting on a saddle at Texas Roadhouse where everyone gave her a big YeeHa for her birthday.

Here Winter is enjoying her Birthday dinner or should I say she has finished her birthday dinner.....

Winter outside for a Birthday picture......

More pictures of the Birthday girl...She has grown so much....

Winter looking at the book she got from Granna for her birthday.

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